Salesforce Integration explained - Part 1

Everybody wants to learn Integration and when this topic comes up, we just listen and never talk about it nor even raise questions. 

This happens because we  have the least idea from where to start. But no worries we could teach you some.

Part 1

1. What is Integration?
2. Why do we need it?
3. When do we actually need it?

Part 2 

4. How do we do it ?

1. What is Integration?

Lets kick start by observing a simple computer drawn image :

  Salesforce and an external system would like to communicate with each other. External system says "Hi Wassup buddy?"  to which Saleforce obliges "Not bad bro. how ya doing?".

That it , When two systems talk with each other by exchanging some information and sharing data among each other. We expose our Apex methods as SOAP Web services so that externalapplications can access our code and our application. To expose our Apex methods, we use WebService Methods.

Stop scratching your head , we have further drilled it down for you. Chill !

SOAP UI TOOL    -  Download the tool as per your system. (ex: Windows installer)


Salesforce Integration explained - Part 1 Salesforce Integration explained -  Part 1 Reviewed by dasfrogpractice on 08:00 Rating: 5


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